Many enterprises are embracing hybrid cloud, finding a sweet spot on their cloud migration journey. It often happens because there are legacy systems that aren’t ready for a move to the cloud, or because an organization is closely evaluating its costs for moving each application and has located an ideal place where public cloud and on-site systems are operating at peak efficiency.
While hybrid cloud is buzzing right now, there are good reasons to suspect that its popularity may gradually make way for a more purely cloud-centered strategy in most enterprises. Here are the primary reasons why:
Legacy systems will eventually become too expensive to sustain. Mission-critical legacy systems are currently leading a lot of enterprises to develop a hybrid cloud environment that is friendly to integration with these systems. As more cloud solutions are developed, those legacy systems will eventually become outdated, seem inflexible, and require too much of an investment to keep them running. Enterprises will transition to cloud software that performs the functions of the legacy system, but better.
Development advancements are happening in the cloud, not the data center. All technology investment is focused on the cloud, with little development being pushed into on-site opportunities. Enterprises that want to stay competitive will need to invest in the tools with the best performance and superior end-user experience, and that’s in the cloud.
Security will be better in the public cloud. Hybrid cloud security presents more entry points and a broader plane for security concerns than a completely on-premises system. As public cloud subscriptions continue to grow, security will become even more robust, and more advanced than anything an enterprise can hope to manage on their own on-premises servers.
Hybrid cloud will make way for multi-cloud. Multi-cloud environments will allow enterprises to avoid vendor lock-in and access the best options from a variety of providers. In many ways, multi-cloud will have peak operability feel to it (similar to hybrid), only without some of the challenges that come with hybrid.
Hybrid cloud will remain in use by some organizations. While hybrid cloud has a lot of advantages right now, it’s expected to be replaced by multi-cloud environments over the next few years. It will likely retain some of its influence as enterprises with a few legacy systems continue to use this approach to reach optimal efficiency.
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