Call Branding

Call Branding

What is it

Simply put – making sure that people you call know that it’s your firm calling, not a SPAM/SCAM call. You can even identify the department in your organization that is calling.

Why do you care

Unless your phone number is loaded in someone’s smartphone, there is no guarantee that your caller ID Name is being presented properly… until now. Call Branding removes SPAM/SCAM tags and makes sure your call is presented in the best possible light to the called party’s cell phone. In some cases you can even let them know what the call is about.


Pennies per phone call, but usually results in savings due to efficiencies or reduction in lost opportunities.


As a consumer – if you don’t know the party calling you, do you answer it? 92% of the population does not. How many times do you have an unknown number call you, and then find out you really wanted that call, but didn’t know who it was from. (like a service dept, or a return phone call from waiting list, or status of an order or repair that’s in process). Now imagine your company is calling people but they aren’t answering for the same reason you wouldn’t answer… because they don’t know who you are.

Some Industry Use Cases

  • Automotive Dealership: Get first call answer to clients with the automobiles in for service, rather than having to leave them a voicemail or text and wait for them to get back to you about authorizing work, or letting them know their car is ready. Also allows you to identify calls from your different departments, no longer having them lumped into one generic outbound caller ID name. Example: Acme Audi – Sales, Acme Audi – Service, Acme Audi – Financing
  • Mortgage / Banking / FinServ: Make sure the called party knows the call is from your company, and even which department. Help reduce return phone calls leading to faster loan closures or customer service cases by increasing first call contact rates. Example: Bank XYZ – Loan Dept, Bank XYZ – Cust Serv, Bank XYZ – Underwriting
  • Delivery or On Site services: Field techs all have different phone numbers. Make sure that your customers know who is calling them and for what reason. Are to delivering an appliance or going on site to repair something, but want to know if you can show up early or are running late. If your customer doesn’t know who is calling them, they won’t answer. Example: House Depot – Delivery, House Depot – Cust Serv, House Depot – Q & A

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