In this brave new digital era of global communication, security, devices, applications, and services are progressing at a rapid pace. There has never been a more exciting time for businesses to explore innovation, as expanding networks, bring your own device, (BYOD), the Internet of Things (IoT), and real-time data services evolve.
Rising Demand for Dynamic Intelligence
Business leaders aiming at the global market cannot afford to overlook the need for more dynamic networks. Networks need to to be more fluid and intuitive so that data and intelligence can be shared more seamlessly. Here are some modern innovations to anticipate in the coming years:
- Hyper-virtualization
- Smart applications
- Network services abstracting the physical layer
- Three-dimensional data processing across an expansion of devices
As these game-changing solutions carve out a new landscape for the next generation, automation will become an increasingly important factor. Human error will be greatly reduced by applications that move toward artificial intelligence. Manual processes that slow down production are steadily being replaced by automated solutions.
Automation, however, cannot completely overthrow workforces. There will always be a need for service providers to manage equipment and data, especially as data and bandwidth expand.
Confronting Cyber Crime Expansion
Don’t expect cybercrime to disappear soon, as it has been part of the mix all along — regardless of how sophisticated tech has become. IT professionals need to stay focused on policy, procedures, and technology to guard against intruders of online privacy.
Most importantly, security policy must protect all data, especially when transactions are involved and confidential information is at stake. Providers must take the initiative since not all consumers stay on top of securing their own devices.
Security needs to be thought of not as a series of components unique to each network, but as a broader collective force across the entire internet. Procedures need to evolve past the concept of monitoring a dozen screens to detect security threats. As networks expand, the demand will grow for more experienced and detailed security managers who understand dynamic intelligence.
Technology must be advanced enough for security managers to stay a step ahead of cybercriminals. Predictive software is part of the key in terms of identifying, predicting, and preventing breaches. The most sophisticated breaches are challenging to detect until it’s too late. Stopping these unpredictable threats requires more complex tools that provide dynamic analysis.
IoT Vulnerability
While the IoT is still in its early stages and is generating growing excitement for data distribution possibilities, managers must remain alert about its vulnerabilities. They need a single access control strategy with a unified access policy, whether the infrastructure is local or in the cloud. An area of concern that needs deeper attention, however, is that companies usually only inspect a fraction of network data, allowing new threats to be overlooked.
Industry Collaboration
One of the keys to predicting attacks will be to share threat information with industry colleagues in real-time. At the same time, it’s imperative to understand cybercriminal behavior, which involves constantly changing attack strategies. The future of security for distributed networks is software that adapts and responds to real-time threats.
As the IoT becomes more widely adopted, cybercriminals will find new ways to penetrate dynamic networks. Therefore, traditional security policies and procedures may become outdated more quickly than in the past. That’s why it’s crucial to proceed into this new era with caution, and embrace predictive software automation combined with increased interaction with trusted IT professionals.